12th Sevenoaks (Edenbridge) Scout Group

Edenbridge scout group is one of the most active in the district, closely involved in most of the town's activities - from Fireworks Night to the car show.
We operate the following sections
Beaver Colonies - for 6 to 8 years old
Whittle meet on Monday's 17:15 to 18:30.
Errwood meet on Tuesday's 17:30 to 18:45
Cub Packs - for 8 to 10 1/2 years old
Shere Khan meet on Thursday's 18:15 to 20:00.
Scout Troops - for 10 1/2 to 14 years old
Hogwart meet on Friday's 18:30 to 20:45.
Explorer Units - for 14 to 18 years old
Beaufighters meet on Tuesday's
Edenbridge scout group are planning on re-opening our second cub pack. If you are at all interested in the outdoors & working with young people, please get in touch. Scouting is flexible enough to fit in with the time you can give.
We are looking for five or six people to grow our team of leaders to help support the new sections, as well as some additional help with some administrative tasks.
Contact details
Group Scout Leader - Liz King
Interested in joining? Please visit our website to send us a message at - www.1stedenbridgescouts.org.uk

Can YOU help?
Are you up for a challenge?
Wish to give something back to your local community?
You don't have to have spare time every week, we still have plenty of opportunities for you to join us.
We need:
Fund-raisers - both to attend events and admin side (applying for grants etc)
Handy people to help maintain the HQ, grounds and equipment
Burger flippers for our many BBQ events
Extra hands for the occasional section meetings
Admin to help with membership and background work
Risk Assessment writers
Have a special skill that could help our young people gain a badge?
Become a skills instructor - archery, water sports, climbing the list is endless
If you can help drop us a line today!