Sevenoaks District Scouts

New District G-Suite Accounts

13th February 2019

New District G-Suite Accounts

We have finally gone live with our new district IT platform provided by Google's G-Suite

There is a guide with step by step instructions to setting up your district mail and accessing shared resources for the first time here

Login to your g-suite account here:

In order to support the district in complying with the current data protection regulations, the district is moving its electronic file storage and email to Google's G-Suite platform.

This will enable us to have

  • A secure way of sharing information in the district (Team Drives)
  • A scouting email address to keep sensitive scouting data away from your own email
  • Somewhere private and secure to put your own scouting data (My drive)
  • A district directory 
  • A secure area of the district website for adults only (still under development)

Going forward, as people take up adult roles in the district, they will be issued with a email address and logon, and given access to the shared drives appropriate to their role and these email addresses will be increasingly used for communication within the district. 

Our beta team (GSLs and the District Team) has been testing the new system and it has been working well, so we are rolling it out to the rest of the adult members in the district.
The new account is live now and you can log in and set it up on your phone, or access it on your computer.
There is a quick-start guide on how to get going with your new account here and one from Google here


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