Sevenoaks District Scouts

Cubs show off at Amherst School

24th February 2007

Cubs show off at Amherst School

Today, the 24th February 2007, Cubs from Sevenoaks District participated in the District Cub Scout Challenge.

Cubs Challenge dayTaking part in the activities were 15 teams of 4 with a mixture of different ages. The teams got to choose their own names. Some were quite imaginative and included names such as Jelly Babies, Know It Alls, Waking Venas, Frogs, Clever Clogs, Bawjets, Hot House, Blobs, Paws, Braeside Champions, The Wombats.

Teams had to complete a variety of different activities, ranging from naming religions to demonstrating the tying of a sling.

Spaghetti bridgesChris, a Cub Scout from Otford said that it was very enjoyable.

Chris Mears the ADC (Assistant District Commissioner) for Cubs in Sevenoaks exclaimed that it was good chance for Cubs around the District to meet one another and show off what they can do.

Some Amherst school pupils were excited to be back at school on the weekend, able to show other Cubs around!! Everybody seemed to have a great afternoon.

At half past four the winners were announced. In third place were the ‘Granny Bashers’. In second place were ‘The Know It Alls’ and finally in first place were the ‘Jelly Babies’. Overall the day went very well.

Thanks to Amherst school for letting us use their facilities.

Story covered by MST (Media Scout Team) - Reported by Oliver and Erik

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